[18+] Disappear (2005)
There are only 3 main actors in this story
3 friends… Even the Myanmar cars look a bit similar to Yoshiko. Hero Yoshiko has 3 siblings. Hiro and Kako are not good at reading, but they get along. Yoshiko is too poor and has no parents, so he is alone in a small room and goes to work in a factory. One day, Yoshiko and Kako are alone in Yoshiko’s small room One Yoshiko who did not give up his perseverance even though he intended to do it I chained it so that it could not regain its strength, and I started raising it as if it were giving birth to a small animal…On the other hand, a Hero was searching for his lover, saddened by his disappearance. How did the police and Hero search for Yoshi, who was hiding, but they couldn’t find a way to escape?