(18+) Snow Woman (2009)


(18+) Snow Woman (2009)
A snow monster that is famous for killing males in the hunt…
The snow monster that the whole village hates…
The snow monster eats the men…but no one talks about the men eating the snow monster..
They played the snow lie and did not say anything back.
In fact, the snow monster doesn’t eat anyone… just the boys who come to love her
It only makes the young one freeze. But something special is the snow
Because of his feelings, as good as he is, he almost dies. A red liar who doesn’t know this has an accident with a beautiful snow monster.
After they fell in love, when the whole village came to catch the snow monster at his house…
Can they escape from the hands of the two villagers who are too much in love?
Four headphones to see if they would understand the miserable life of the snow monster
Turn off the light and feel the snow lie (wrong) and enjoy the story…

Date: September 8, 2024

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